Five Shocking Facts About Bermuda Triangle

bermuda traingle

Bermuda Triangle also called the Devil’s Triangle. In Bermuda triangle a number of ships have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. In this mysterious, many reputed sources miss the idea. The famous person Lawrence David Kusche solves the argued like some claims of Gaddis and subsequent writers were often dubious or exaggerated. 

1. The Bermuda Triangle is also large. It covers an area of 440,000 miles of sea. Whenever any plane or ship disappears in the triangle then its debris cannot be found. At least 1000 lives are lost within the last 100 years.  In the Bermuda Triangle, it is combination of two places on Earth that on a compass will not point true north. This means that you have to compensate.

2. It is not fixed and its effect can be outside of the triangle too. It is the most famous place on the earth where compass does not point toward magnetic north. Many people know about the Bermuda Triangle, but did you know that it is known as The Devil’s Sea and also The Hoodoo Sea.

3. There are often no signs of debris. And it can very quickly get rid of any debris, thus leaving no sign of any incident. The most famous case to date of the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a plane called flight 19 and find them only Combined 27 men and 6 planed were never found. This happened in 1945.

4. In the Bermuda Triangle, US Government has AUTEC which is located on the Andros Island of Bahamas. Here US Navy tests their submarines, sonar

5. One of the famous losses of US Military occurred in 1945. The mission had 14 men. After about 90 minutes, the radio operators received a signal the compass was not working. After the communication was lost. The bombers were never found. The famous three planes that went for their rescue disappeared.

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